Archaeological Center of Pskov region


«The Archaeological Center of  Pskov region» is a part of  professional regional archaeological community which has developed in Pskov by the beginning of the XXI century as a result of long-term activity together with the Pskov museum-reserve, Pskov state university, independent non-profit organization «Pskov Archaeological Center», on the basis of close cooperation with  academic centers: Archeology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and Institute of History of Material Culture of  Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).

State budget culture institution « The Archaeological Center of  Pskov region» was established  in 2007 as a specialized state organization with a view of all-round assistance to the state protection (within certain powers and the state task) and direct implementation of activity in the sphere of preservation, use and promoting of archaeological heritage of the Russian Federation in the region territory.

The institution is due to coordinate all archaeological works being made by various performers in the territory of Pskov region. The center independently carries out works of all professional range in scientific and scientific-practical directions: from project calculations to carrying out independent scientific expeditions, including:

• Monitoring and inventory of archaeological heritage of Pskov region;

• Participation in development of regulatory documents connected with preservation of archaeological heritage of Pskov region, actions of territorial planning;

• Project development in the sphere of preservation of archaeological heritage;

• Operative response to cases of violation of the safety legislation concerning objects of archaeological heritage;

• The organization and carrying out saving archaeological researches in places of new construction and other economic development.

The important part in the work of the Archaeological center of Pskov region plays educational (exhibitions, work with the public and mass media) and project activity.

In the operational management of the institution there is a separate building in Pskov (the right bank of the Pskova river, 1/1 Herzen Street, the monument of architecture of regional value: «The tenement building of Safyanshchikov») where studies, laboratories, a lecture hall, exhibition rooms are placed. Important development prospects of the specialized organization are connected with further development of the ancient house on the embankment in order to create a larger-scale multipurpose scientific – cultural and production center which will enable to unite efforts and activity of experts in the sphere of preserving archaeological heritage.

Now the staff of the organization consists of 18 employees, 10 of them (including 3 candidates of historical sciences) have higher profile education and experience of field archaeological researches.

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